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The Full Story

About Our Company

Our company started with a simple goal - to give new life to unattractive furniture - but once we got going, we just couldn't stop! We've now expanded to residential and commercial countertops, tabletops, and basically almost any horizontal surface that can be coated.

The way we run our business and deliver on results is governed by values that are never compromised. The pillars on which we stand are:

CUSTOMIZATION: Our Coats Have To Match Your Vision And Space, Whether You Choose A Color Scheme & Design, Or Speak With Our Artist For Direction.

QUALITY: Our Results Should Be Exquisite & Durable With Seamless Edges.

GREEN: Our Mission Is To Reduce The Amount Of Surfaces That End Up In Wastelands.

AFFORDABILITY: Our Aim Is To Give You Something New, Without Breaking The Bank.

About Our Artist

John Mag is a multimedia artist with a passion for transforming surfaces. He owns and operates Tennessee Epoxy, where he merges art with original resurfacing techniques and outta-the-box ideas to serve homeowners and businesses. John is highly skilled in bringing your vision to life, and has a track record of customer satisfaction. He delivers whether you seek elegant, funky, or artistic designs to give a new chance to your old surfaces.

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